Healthcare Differences Between Developed Countries and African Countries 


In terms of health, the state's reaching the level of development depends on their being economically strong. The development level of a country in terms of health progresses in parallel with its economy. It is the duty of the state to meet the health needs of the population and to provide health servicesMany states with large economies cover the health expenses of their people, sometimes all and sometimes a very large part 

   There are high-tech medical devices in countries with developed health systems. In this way, diseases can be detected in advance and more advanced treatment processes can be applied on patients. Again, thanks to the developed pharmaceutical industry in these countries, diseases are treated quickly. Because of the high quality of life in these countries, the average life expectancy is high. 

  Health is one of the basic human rights for everyone, regardless of gender, but unfortunately there are people who cannot reach these opportunities even today. The majority of people living on the African continent are also included in this category. Africa has been colonized for many years and has no economic independence.  

   While economically developed countries mostly have state sponsored health systems, African countries have difficulties in running health programs and providing health services to their citizens. In addition, the number of doctors in African countries is very low due to the low level of education; While one doctor serves every 250 people in Germany, one doctor serves every 5000 people in Africa. 

    Many people in the African continent die due to infectious diseases. 60% of HIV cases, 92% of Malaria cases, 80% of Cholera cases in the world are seen in the African continentAlthough deaths are largely due to preventable diseases, unfortunately, deaths in African countries cannot be prevented due to reasons such as limited treatment opportunities, problems in accessing clean water, inadequate and unhealthy nutrition. 

   In order to help people in Africa, institutions and organizations organize worldwide campaigns and collect donations from all over the world.